Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Jacqueline Scobell

Date submitted
24 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object on 6 main counts. 1. I don’t believe that the use of the emergency runway is the reuse of existing resources. There is no facility that they can reuse. They will need to rebuild the entire runway in a different position. They will need to build new taxiways. To do this they will need to demolish and rebuild many of the existing buildings that are currently in the way of building this new runway. There does not appear to be any significant part of the runway facility that is to be reused. 2. Full employment in the local area means that there is no labour force for this building project. Incoming labour will be met by existing housing issues, there is already a housing shortage. They will therefore need to journey in daily on the already overstretched road and rail network causing further issues. 3. This same overstretched transport network will presumably be expected to cope with a significant increase in passenger numbers, except it won’t cope, causing even more problems for existing road users and the new passengers alike. 4. All these housing and transport problems appear to be at local taxpayer expense. Our local public services are already stretched and the local councils should not be expected to subsidise this private sector venture. 5. The increased noise from this brand new runway will significantly impact many of the local towns and villages. It will significantly increase flight traffic on the existing flight paths and very very likely require new flight paths which will further blight this already noisy area. 6. I know that environmental impacts are not yet included in the relevant government policies, but it is disingenuous to rush though Gatwick expansion planning proposals to exploit the protracted processes required to update our national response to our climate crisis Regards Jacky Scobell