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Representation by William John Dugdale

Date submitted
25 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object on three grounds, all of which will affect my and my family’s daily life: 1. The noise level will increase. I do not believe that quieter aircraft will come into service any time soon. 2. The road infrastructure locally will not support the additional traffic required for all the passengers and extra staff to get to Gatwick on a daily basis. The roads around Dorking are generally narrow and already pretty much at capacity for a countryside setting. 3. The extra flights will add to the carbon emissions of the world which is an existential threat to the human race. I cannot believe, given the government’s net zero targets that any more flights can possibly be considered. My family has vowed not to take flights within Western Europe ever again and planners should be encouraging this sort of travel by increasing the tax on short haul flights (or banning them outright as in France) and subsidising rail travel with the proceeds.