Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Neil Williams

Date submitted
25 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

1 Environmental Impact: The expansion of Gatwick Airport is set to have a disastrous impact on the environment. It is common knowledge that aviation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Expanding an already large airport will only exacerbate these issues. It is our moral responsibility to address climate change and reduce our carbon footprint, rather than encouraging its growth. This expansion will undermine global efforts to combat climate change and jeopardize the future of our planet. 2 Noise Pollution: The increased air traffic resulting from the expansion will undoubtedly lead to a substantial increase in noise pollution. The well-being of local residents, who have invested in their homes and communities, will be seriously compromised. The noise disturbance will affect the physical and mental health of these individuals, particularly children and the elderly. Furthermore, studies have shown that chronic noise pollution can lead to a range of health issues, including increased stress, sleep disturbance, and even cardiovascular problems. 3 Impact on Surrounding Villages: The expansion project threatens the very essence of the surrounding villages. These picturesque and historically significant areas will suffer from a surge in traffic, increased pollution, and the destruction of local landscapes. It is not just the airport itself, but the ripple effect it has on the surrounding communities that will face the brunt of this expansion. I work from home and my day to day life is already disrupted thanks to noise created by the aircraft - I get woken up by flights that go over at 430 in the morning...thats after beign kept awake at night thanks to the non-stop landings. I struggle to concentrate due to the lack of sleep, which affects my physcial and mental health along with my business and personal life. Because I'm just outside the zone for compentsation (despite the aircraft practically flying over me), I can't get help to put in sound proofing. With the proposed expansion and more aircraft flying over, life wont be worth living! I still wont be able to afford sound proofing. The home I cheerish so much wiIl become worthless and I wont be able to sell, because who is going to want to buy in an area that has so much noise. The walks I like to go on in the beautiful countryside to relax will be ruined even more by the noise...and it's not just me, millions of people will be affected and feeling the same way.