Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Cllr Georgia Taylor

Date submitted
26 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Noise: I live within a 20 minute drive from Gatwick and I already am affected by the noise of flights. the expansion of the airport will increase this significantly. Also, as I am a County Councillor and my division is the area where I live, I am aware that residents in this area are concerned about noise increase and do not feel as though they have been consulted or have any voice in the decision. Climate change and air quality: the increase in air travel, the building new infrastructure and the increased transport to the airport (both during and after the expansion) would increase carbon emissions and reduce air quality. There is no current technology for flying free of carbon emissions. This needs to be thought about carefully if the UK is to stay within our legal requirements on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Need for the expansion: I do not believe there is a need for an expansion bearing in mind the trajectory of international business travel in particular. Nor do I think there has been a case made for this need. Economy and jobs: the case has not been made sufficiently that there will be any positive economic impact of airport expansion. this needs to take into account incoming and outgoing flights and where expenditure happens, and also quality of jobs and other alternative jobs in the area (especially in economic sectors that are in a growth stage), as well the lack of availability of suitable low cost housing for potential employees. Water and flooding and ecology: I am also concerned that the impact on the local river and the possible impact of flooding on the proposed investment has not been sufficiently taken into consideration. Transport: there would potentially be a huge increase in car travel due to the poor public transport connections in the area, and this would particularly affect my division as there is now west-east train transport and pitiful bus connections.