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Representation by Historic England (Historic England)

Date submitted
26 October 2023
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

In the view of Historic England, under this scheme proposal there is the potential for harm to a range of heritage assets, including: • to a number of undesignated archaeological heritage assets in areas to the east of the existing airport, probably amounting to less than substantial harm; • less than substantial harm to the significance of one grade ll* listed building (the Charlwood Park Farmhouse) and a small number of grade ll listed buildings on the periphery of the airport estate; and • less than substantial harm to the significance of a scheduled monument (Thunderfield Castle mediaeval moated site) by development in its close setting. In addition, there is the potential for far-reaching impacts to the setting of heritage assets as a result of changes in the noise profile and disturbance from expanded airport operations. There is also the possibility of direct or indirect impacts to currently unidentified built heritage assets. In summary, Historic England notes the potential for impacts on the settings of several heritage assets which amount to less than substantial harm. Some residual harm may be mitigated through detailed design of the scheme elements and secured through condition or agreements attached to any consent.