Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Capel Parish Council (Capel Parish Council)

Date submitted
26 October 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

• An expanded Gatwick Airport will impact on the environment and economy of our community. • There will be an increase in noise, congestion and a decrease in air quality. • The increase in traffic on rural roads from passenger and support vehicles will cause significant congestion, increase wear and tear on road surfaces and higher carbon and pollutant emissions leading to higher costs and potentially poorer health for Surrey residents and no mechanism of mitigation or compensation has been suggested. As such the scheme is wholly unacceptable. Gatwick Ltd will benefit while Surrey residents pay much of the cost with almost no benefit. • The projected increase in employment is dubious when set against the rapidly reducing staff numbers due to recent automation of baggage check-in and passport control for example. Moreover, many of the suggested job increases will be outside the area most impacted. • There will be considerable expansion of car parks and airport terminals and the compulsory purchase of land to accommodate construction vehicles, flood plains and road access. • The proposal offers no respite from or reduction of the already disturbing night flights and no financial contribution to the community toward infrastructure upkeep or noise reduction measures. • The added capacity could have been used to reduce the operating window of flights with a total ban from 23:00 to 06:00 but instead shows itself to be self-centred exercise to benefit shareholders with little or no concern for the residents under the flight path or in the vicinity of the airport.