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Representation by Global Airlines (Global Airlines)

Date submitted
26 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Global Airlines is a new, British based carrier, with ambitions to enhance the passenger experience and provide additional, much needed, connectivity and capacity from the South-East of England to the rest of the world. The airline has agreed to acquire four A380 aircraft and is spearheading the secondary market in the superjumbo, with plans in place to add to our fleet before commencing charter, and ultimately scheduled operations, by the middle of this decade. With a significant passenger catchment area, A380 capable facilities, an operation that maximises the potential of its current infrastructure, and an ambition to grow its premium travel offer, Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) is a potential primary base for future Global operations. However, the airport is significantly constrained for a number of reasons, primarily, in our estimation, around its ability to accept and handle additional services around peak hours. We believe the Northern Runway Project is a huge strategic opportunity to achieve Global Britain. It will allow the UK to thrive, by adding more capacity into a highly constrained, demand intensive market in the South East of England. This will allow new market entrants, like Global, to provide connectivity that facilitates business, connects friends and families, and increases inbound tourism and spend across the UK economy. Global Airlines is particularly supportive of the following elements of the Northern Runway Project: - We believe it is consistent with UK Government policy, particularly making best use of existing infrastructure. - The creation of 14,000 new jobs and associated GVA for the economy in the South East. - The creation of a new runway, alongside additional stand and terminal infrastructure will create the opportunity for new market entrants like Global Airlines to bid for slots at peak periods. We would however seek assurances that additional A380 stand capacity is part of the initial construction phases. - Surface connectivity is fundamental to a successful overall passenger experience, and investment in upgrading highways is welcome, alongside a commitment to review the Airports Surface Access Strategy. However, we would seek clarity from GAL that it will, given the timeframes of the project, seek to embrace the latest innovations in urban connectivity and passenger processing. - We support Gatwick’s sustainability ambitions, believe they are consistent with Government policy, and Global would commit to supporting the airport with that agenda, so the UK can continue to be a leader in sustainable aviation. With significant levels of local support, consistency with government policy, strong economic and environmental benefits, the Northern Runway Project is deliverable and will demonstrate the UK’s ambition for the future. In the short term, Global believes there is capacity within the South East of England to support the initial phase of our operations and additional capacity at Gatwick from 2029 onwards will be a huge opportunity to grow our network and develop our footprint in the area.