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Representation by Bristol Airport Action Network (BAAN) (Bristol Airport Action Network (BAAN))

Date submitted
26 October 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

We have seen in Bristol that MBU and the ANPS are out of date and not fit for purpose. The local decision makers rejected the airport's expansion plans but the Inspectors decided that aviation emissions could only be considered at a national level (according to their interpretation of MBU). The Sec of State refused to consider the plans at all (despite all parties asking for it to be 'called-in'). This meant that no one at all considered the climate impact of this extra 2 m passengers. In addition the inspectors agreed that Non CO2 gases had an impact on the environment but because there is conflicting scientific advice about the exact scale of the impact (BEIS used to apply a multiplier pf 1.9 in their decisions, some scientists say it should be more than 3) the inspectors felt able to ignore the impact completely!