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Representation by Leigh Parish Council (Leigh Parish Council)

Date submitted
26 October 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

I write to you on behalf of Leigh Parish Council. The Councillors have considered the proposal and its impact on it as a community. The following areas are of great concern and asks that they be taken into consideration: Noise The expansion of Gatwick will significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths this will impact the majority of those living in the Parish of Leigh. We have been told that the envelope Gatwick is proposing is not consistent with government policy and CAA guidance and clearly needs to be revised. A ban on night flights should be a condition of any expansion at Gatwick. Climate change and air pollution. Any expansion on the scale proposed at Gatwick will increase the CO2 emissions and other climate effects associated with increased operations and flights. Expansion of Gatwick would therefore have a material impact on the UK’s ability to meet its carbon reduction targets. Carbon emissions will also result from construction works and increased road traffic to the airport. Flights and traffic will make air pollution worse. Transport impacts The Parish of Leigh is already subject to significant speeding traffic using the village as a cut through from the M25 by airport users coming from the west of the County and the west of London, thus avoiding the relentless traffic hold-ups between Junction 9 and the M23. Gatwick’s targets to increase the use of bus and train links are insufficient to prevent a massive increase in road traffic. This increase in traffic will significantly increase congestion on local roads. It is essential for the safety of those living in small villages around the airport to be protected both from speeding road traffic and increased pollution, that road planning is required to ban through road access to the airport or at the very least actively discourage it. Flood Risk The Parish of Leigh, surrounded by the river Mole, already has flooding problems particularly around the discharge of sewage. Over the years the River Mole and its tributaries have flooded, especially when the Airport and sewage treatment plants discharge water in extreme events. Climate change is making these extreme events more frequent and severe. Expansion of the Airport, and other developments locally, need to properly take this into account.