Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Mia Anna Porto-Romano

Date submitted
26 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Noise pollution - flights have already increased over our home and in addition they are flying lower than they used to. The noise has increased late at night affecting sleep. This will only worsen with the use of the emergency runway. 2. Health - it is proven that aviation noise and pollution have a significant negative impact on health. This then has a knock on effect on local health services. 3. Environment - A23 is already seriously congested, by increasing flights this means an increase in passenger numbers travelling to the airport on an already heavily used road. Increase demand on public transport. 4. Carbon footprint - government are trying to reduce our carbon footprint, this will only contribute to it significantly. Increase in flights, increase in vehicles travelling to the airport, increase in services to the airlines and so forth all creating more pollution. 5. Gatwick as it is, cannot manage the demand of current volumes, increasing flights would not be of any help. 6. There is more than enough revenue generated in the local area with the current set up. 7. If this were to go ahead, it would be detrimental to the residents near and within the flight routes.