Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Sharon E. Bowden

Date submitted
27 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly oppose bringing the “Emergency” Northern Runway into daily routine use for very obvious reasons. I have been a Lingfield resident for 24 years ago yet the noise of aircraft directly overhead impacts on everyday life even now. I was forced to have double glazing put in within 5 months of moving here and that has helped but only during colder months; I remain unable to sleep with open windows at anytime of the year. I like to spend time outdoors and in the garden but during peak holiday season there is no respite from the incessant noise of aircraft on their approach to Gatwick with flights just 3 minutes apart that kill all conversation. The London Gatwick flyer that landed on my door mat some weeks ago states “ One step closer to a brighter future - for everyone” well that’s blatantly wrong and whoever chose those words clearly doesn’t live under a flight path. The flyer also states the “Benefits of the Northern Runway Project” but who really benefits should Gatwick see “75 million passengers per year by the 2030’s” ?, not residents. It appears that not a thought has been given of the vey real misery 100,000 extra flights a year will bring to so many. I will always oppose expansion at Gatwick as I hope will thousands more and I trust our voices will be heard.