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Representation by Christine Oliver

Date submitted
27 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The main issues and impacts of the proposed expansion of Gatwick airport relate the climate and biodiversity crisis. Airport expansion at such a time is completely irrational and potentially illegal given the legal requirement to reduce CO2e emissions. We need to reduce not expand passenger travel and freight by air. Increasing capacity will also increase emissions of travellers coming to Gatwick by private car, driving further climate impacts. The climate crisis also impacts the natural world - locking us into tipping and extinction points that once reached cannot be reversed. It is deeply irresponsible to expand airport capacity when we face such crises. We have a responsibility to future generations to safeguard the world we live in so that they can have a livable future. Carbon capture and storage are red herrings and false solutions - relying on unproven technologies in the pursuit of economic growth can only end in catastrophe. As a mum of teenagers I have to raise my voice and objections because the people in charge don’t seem to care. I would urge the inspectorate to reject the proposal to expand Gatwick Airport.