Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Cuckfield Parish Council (Cuckfield Parish Council)

Date submitted
27 October 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Cuckfield village is impacted by a regular stream of criss-crossing aircraft. It is just outside of the formal take-off and landing paths to the south of the airport, and planes are a few thousand feet up at this stage. However, the noise impacts are still significant. We are aware that these could be reduced as a result of the flight path review being undertake currently by the government, and we would urge the airport to vigorously pursue this. We recognise that the airport is a major local employer, but this has led to significant pressure for additional housing in Mid Sussex and an annual completions target which has doubled in the last ten years. Further expansion of the airport will only increase this, with the continuing urbanisation of the District and degradation of local services, transport and environment. To that end, Cuckfield Parish Council is not in favour of increasing flight capacity beyond its current status.