Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Brian Truscott

Date submitted
27 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In objecting to further expansion examination need to consider: The area (pre Covid) had virtually zero unemployment. This has now recovered. So, whilst the argument for expansion will create many new jobs appears attractive, all new jobs will be filled from outside the area, i.e. commuters putting unacceptable pressure on all forms of infrastructure-housing, roads, congestion, etc. and creating further pollution. Noise level will be further increased along with atmospheric pollution with smell of aviation fuel from exhausts-evidenced by a noticeable 'film' of oil on ponds and buildings. Currently, light pollution is unacceptably high and very damaging to the environment and particularly wildlife, adversely affecting behavioural patterns. Night flights - currently flights taking-off/landing outside the restricted hours is frequently abused (with the airport authorities always having a ready excuse e.g. emergency for a take-off/landing taking place). Any increase in the hours for night flights will have disturbing, negative effect on the quality of resident's peace and wellbeing. Need. There is none! The owners have never demonstrated that there is a real need. Hopes, expectations and promises. The application is littered with 'hopes' and 'promises' - never any firm, legally binding commitments, e.g. they HOPE to keep disruption, etc. down to a minimum during any expansion. They EXPECT environmental damage to kept to a minimum. They EXPECT and HOPE noise to be no higher that present with the use of more efficient, quieter aircraft. General infrastructure. Any failure to provide the necessary schools, doctors/dentists, roads, hospitals (East Surrey Hospital is already at capacity levels) and the like, will accuse local/central government, never the airport authorities - the 'sloping shoulder syndrome'. Additionally, no deadlines, plans, commitments, etc. will be met let alone any budgets. The airport and it's supporting facilities must be restricted to the present volumes/ capacities and any airport expansion catered for in other parts of the country crying out for development, e.g. Manston.