Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Sheila Byrne

Date submitted
27 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My main concerns are the frequent night flights that go way into the early hours of the next morning. With the increase in air traffic brought about by this proposal this would be intolerable and the people affected would have no quality of sleep at all which is fundamental to their health both physically and mental. Double glazing projects do not provide sufficient insulation against this. Air pollution would be increased substantially in an age when we are meant to be improving this and provide a healthy climate for all. I assume according to this project it does not include the thousands of people who have to live near the airport and flight paths! I believe the current air pollution is already exceptionally high and is at 76%.exceeding three W.H.O. limits. Gatwick airport does not need any further extension for the air traffic they have at the moment and in the future. In fact I believe the current proposal would take around 15 years to complete, and the designed lifespan of just 40 years. This does not seem a credible proposal at all. Consider please the impact on not just residents living near the airport but the many who have to tolerate the noise and pollution of being under the many flight paths. Surely we have a right to live in a safe enviroment, allowing this proposal would be unfair and really not necessary