Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Roger Tetlow

Date submitted
27 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We are strongly opposed to additional airport expansion. 1. We live in a small village near Horsham called Barns Green. When planes are landing towards the east we get a succession of decending aircraft, one after the other, in a line coming into land. They all seem to come over our house, often no more than a minute or two apart, as if one pilot just follows the one in front. Shortly afterwards, they bank sharp to the right to get on to the final landing path over Rudgwick. There are already more than enough aircraft doing this in a concentrated corridor. I guess the plan is deliberately not to disturb the larger conurbation of Horsham so the minor villages are left to suffer. We do not wish to see even more flights than we currently have. 2. Secondly, when planes are taking off to the west, into the prevailing wind, they used to stay on a straight flight path for a considerable distance before bearing off. Now we are finding that pilots are breaking off sooner and banking south (heading to Europe) and accelerating and gaining height again over Barns Green. As they are taking off and accelerating they make a considerable noise. It used to be delightful living here when planes were taking off westwards because we would never see or hear any aircraft (as we wouldn't get the landing aircraft noise explained in para. 1 above as they were landing from the east.). So we are suffering additional air pollution in this way. 3. The airport often says that double-glazing is the solution. This is simply not the case. We are living in the country and enjoy having our windows open and also spend a considerable amount of time in the spring and summer (the airport's busiest times) outdoors. 4. With the construction of HS2 there will be less need for additional development at Gatwick as people within Greater London will also have easy access to Midlands airports