Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Mark Feltham

Date submitted
27 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Noise: I hear an aircraft every few minutes. Usually I only hear them when I'm outside but occasionally, I also hear them when I'm inside our house because they are flying closer than normal. Most of these aircraft originate from Gatwick. I do not want any more aircraft noise. Pollution: There will be more pollution not only from the additional aircraft but also from the additional road traffic that the extra flights will generate. Road congestion: The roads in this area are already congested at peak times. Lack of capacity at the airport: I recently dropped people off at Gatwick at 04:35 on 7th July and 07:30 on 19th August. On both occasions cars were waiting for a space to pull into in the drop off zones. What will happen when there are more cars? Lack of water supply: A huge number of houses have been built in this area in recent years and it is now an area of acute water stress. Natural England has said that permission for new houses can't be granted unless they will have a neutral impact on the water supply. The same requirement should also apply to any increase in capacity at Gatwick airport. Over development of the area: Crawley, Horsham, Broadbridge Heath, Southwater and Billingshurst have been subjected to huge amounts of housing development. Horsham and Broadbridge Heath have joined together and Southwater is almost joined too. The land between Crawley and the Horsham/Broadbridge Heath/Southwater conurbation is steadily disappearing and we are on course to create a huge urban conurbation. That's even before the additional house requirements of the Gatwick expansion are taken into consideration. There are already too many people in this area. Strain on Services: It is difficult get appointments at our GP and dentist. Our hospitals are straining to cope with all the people who are moving into new houses in this area. Impact on climate change: Increasing capacity at Gatwick airport will have a detrimental effect on climate change and for this reason alone it should be stopped.