Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Dr David James Adams

Date submitted
27 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my strong objection to Gatwick Airport expansion which shows a complete disregard for the impact of CO2 on the climate and emission targets set by governments all over the world. Specific objections are:- 1. Adverse impact on the environment. In times when we are encouraged to buy electric cars, heat pumps, solar panels, etc. it makes no sense to increase the environmental damage due to increasing the number of aircraft. 2. Noise and air pollution. The planned routes will fly over several populated areas, including North Horsham. This will have an adverse affect on the area that is already beset by road traffic noise and pollution. It will have a detrimental effect on house prices and physical health of those who suffer from respiratory problems, such as myself. 3. Change in working: With the advancement of technology, it has become less important for businesses to travel to undertake work. We have seen vast changes in remote working in a couple of years, this will only continue. 4. People going on holiday. Why do we want to encourage people to go abroad on their holidays, this results in their money being spent abroad rather than benefitting this country. Gatwick presents a false economy to workers and residents. With recession and downturn of the economy, Gatwick Airport is hit the hardest due to its business model of leisure travel. 5. Infrastructure: The South East is already overcrowded with massive expansion of houses on green spaces. It suffers from lack of infrastructure to support this, resulting in traffic jams, lack of access to medical facilities and school places. This will only get worse with Gatwick expansion. 6. Nothing has changed since Gatwick was turned down in favour of Heathrow expansion by the Airport Commission in 2015. Gatwick sits on a single arterial road (M23) and a single railway line that can’t be expanded. I wish to register my strongest possible opposition to the proposed Gatwick expansion which is completely incompatible with stated Environmental objectives and targets by both the UK government and other worldwide organisation concerned with the continued and possibly irreversible damage being inflicted on the planet. My specific objections are based on the following issues: 1. Adverse impact on the environment. In times when we are encouraged to buy electric cars, heat pumps, solar panels, etc. it makes no sense to increase environmental damage due to an increasing the number of aircraft. 2. Noise and air quality. The planned routes will fly over several populated areas, including North Horsham. This will have an adverse affect on the area that is already beset by road traffic noise and pollution. It will have a detrimental effect on house prices and health of those, such as myself, who have respiratory problems. 3. Change in working: With the advancement of technology, it has become less important for businesses to travel to undertake work. We have seen vast changes in remote working in a couple of years, this will only continue. 4. People going on holiday. Why do we want to encourage people to go abroad on their holidays, this results in their money being spent abroad rather than benefitting this country. Gatwick presents a false economy to workers and residents. With recession and downturn of the economy, Gatwick Airport is hit the hardest due to its business model of leisure travel. 5. Infrastructure: The South East is already overcrowded with massive expansion of houses on green spaces including those planned directly under the new flight paths. It suffers from lack of infrastructure to support this, resulting in traffic jams, lack of access to medical facilities and school places. This will only get worse with Gatwick expansion. 6. Nothing has changed since Gatwick was turned down in favour of Heathrow expansion by the Airport Commission in 2015. Gatwick sits on a single arterial road (M23) and a single railway line that can’t be expanded.