Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Una Duffy

Date submitted
28 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

my main concerns. increased flood risk in BROCKHAM, and much of River Mole basin; also more river pollution, already amongst worst nationally, and sewage overflows. needs a town the size of Crawley, large reduction to already inadequate of flood plain capacity, WILL ONLY WORSEN RE CLIMATE CHANGE. increased road traffic, congestion, pollution re no train increases; thru village, AREA OF OUTSTANDING NATURAL BEAUTY, country haven, essential to rural economy, day trippers,. Health benifits to a wide popultion re walks, cycling etc. Heathrow applying for 3rd runway, we certainly dont need both, the decision re both must be taken re consolidated national health need, not competing private financers. more noise as flight paths must be extended; loss of sleep vital adverse effect on health. air pollution, local AND NATIONAL CARBON EMMISION BADLY INCREASED, departure route 4. house prices even more impossible. already we cant get cleaners, handy wo/men etc re they cant live here. MAJOR IMPACT 73YRS, no close family, re how long i can maintain my very modest property; already a village prob, high elderly pop, also the other villages, WILL INCREASE CARE NEEDS n cost GREATLY. and similar pressures possibly increasing from heathrow also. Also affected by their flights already. and the whole Thames flood basin, polution etc.