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Representation by Bignor Park Limited (Bignor Park Limited)

Date submitted
28 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We consider that the additional air traffic caused by the expansion of Gatwick would be greatly detrimental to our business and to the National Park. We run a wedding venue and it is already noisy enough with the sound of planes over us as they descend towards/take off from Gatwick. We also suffer from air pollution as sometimes planes discharge fuel into the sky and a film of diesel lines the swimming pool, which is for the use of members of our small community here. There is also a noticeable diesel smell from time to time. An increase in any of these will not be attractive to potential wedding couples or visitors, as we also run community events here such as the village fete and performances for the Petworth Festival. If the National Park is to have any meaning, it is not going to be helped by increasing congestion/pollution in the skies, especially at a time when we are being encouraged to minimise air travel due to its carbon footprint.