Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Gladys Kariuki

Date submitted
28 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I vehemently oppose Gatwick Airport's expansion plans, including the Northern Runway extension. I live in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, cherishing my peaceful Kent countryside home. Yet, low-flying planes bound for Gatwick have become a daily torment. The noise is ceaseless, robbing me of sleep, and affecting my kids health and my [Redacted]. There was a clear change in [Redacted] in the pandemic when the planes stopped and since the flights have resumed. During the holiday season, planes pass overhead every 1 minute and 37 seconds, creating relentless noise pollution. My visit to the British Wildlife Centre with my husband and young kids in nearby Lingfield showed how animals and nature suffer from fumes and deafening noise. I can only but imagine the plight of those living closer to Gatwick. Decision-makers should experience this intrusion firsthand to reconsider their plans. We need assurance that the skies won't be filled every two minutes day and night. In light of the mental health crisis, COP 26, noise pollution, air pollution, and the climate crisis, we must prioritise people and the environment over profit. Gatwick hasn't shown a genuine need for more airport capacity, in line with government policy. Job and economic claims are deceptive. Gatwick's assessment of benefits and costs relies on outdated assumptions, making it an unattractive proposal. On the climate front, further expansion contradicts the UK's carbon reduction goals. Community and noise impacts are disregarded, with misleading noise assessments. In summary, Gatwick's proposals are unacceptable. No expansion, including the Northern Runway, should proceed. We need equitable alternatives. Yours sincerely Gladys Kariuki