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Representation by Surrey Hills AONB Board (Surrey Hills AONB Board)

Date submitted
28 October 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

The Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is a nationally protected landscape. One of the main qualities and public benefits of the Surrey Hills is its relative tranquillity within easy reach for many Londoners, those living in Surrey and visitors. It provides a haven for these people to get away from the stresses and strains of modern, mostly urban, living. It is exceedingly popular and one of the most frequented of any AONB and National Parks in the country. The importance of the tranquillity of the countryside and particularly nationally protected landscapes to people's mental health has increasingly become recognised in recent years. When balancing the relevant considerations to using the existing emergency runway at Gatwick for regular use the Government requires great weight to any harm to an AONB, in this case being a real threat to the public's enjoyment of the Surrey Hills and their mental health. A consequence of this proposal without the necessary safeguards will be for more flights over both the existing AONB and its extensions Natural England are proposing to submit for Government designation. Much of the Surrey Hills is elevated, up to 1,000ft, and therefore nearer an aircraft noise source than most other areas. A condition of any approval of the runway proposal should stipulate there be no additional flights over the existing Surrey Hills AONB and any extensions designated by the Government above existing baseline figures. A further condition could be that it should only be used by recognised and authorised quieter aircraft.