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Representation by Stephen Phillip Harrison

Date submitted
28 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I reside at [Redacted], and as noted in Gatwick Airports Environmental Statement Chapter 14, paragraph 14.9.103 and 14.9.104, I am one of 20 properties that is expected to be subject to “MAJOR ADVERSE SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS” as a result of the plans to develop the Northern Runway. Gatwick state the effects will be “MAJOR ADVERSE”. Major is typically defined as important, serious or significant, and adverse meaning harmful, unfavourable. As a local resident, I understand that Gatwick Airport brings a lot of economic benefits. However, I have MAJOR concerns about the ADVERSE impact that the development will have on me and my family, which is likely to cause a detriment to our health, wellbeing and financial circumstances. References to these effects are littered throughout the extensive materials provided by Gatwick Airport, but appear to be downplayed, and make Major assumptions which may or may not prove to be the reality. Whilst I support economic progress (which this project clearly brings to the local area), I do strongly object to this being at the detriment of the environment and in my circumstances, I strongly object to a small number of residents (as identified by Gatwick) being subject to “Major Adverse significant effects”, and I feel the package of measures proposed by Gatwick is entirely inadequate and has a number of flaws. Gatwick’s shareholders intend to materially profit from increased flight operations, which appears to be at the expense of me and my neighbours, who will suffer from “major adverse significant effects”. The range of noise measures put forward by Gatwick are inadequate and give little to no consideration of the impact on my health or property as might be expected under the Land Compensation act of 1973 or my Human rights. In particular, I consider there would be a breach of my Human rights as a result of the project proceeding as follows: • Article 2 – “Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally” o It is my view from the evidence presented that were the project to proceed there would be an increased impact on me and my family’s health and wellbeing, and therefore an impact on the quality and length of our lives. • Article 8 - “Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.” o It is my view that the project will breach my right to enjoy my home peacefully without intrusion in particular from noise, physical vibrations and environmental pollution. • Article 1 of the first protocol – “Protection of property - Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions.” o It is my view that the project will breach my right to peaceful enjoyment of my home. o Further it is my view that insufficient consideration has been given to reasonable compensation under the Human Rights Act for the loss of my ability to enjoy my home. • Article 14 – “The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.” o It is my view that the project will breach my Human Rights of not being discriminated against on the grounds of property. o I.e., I consider that I am being discriminated against relative to Gatwick Airport in respect of my health and wealth which would be materially affected were the project to proceed. In summary, I object to the development on the basis that the package of measures outlined by Gatwick Airport are inadequate and will have a “major adverse significant effect” on me and my family, and specifically the highly probable impact on our health, wellbeing and financial circumstances. In view of the above considerations and arguments that I have set out in greater detail below, I reserve my rights to take further action against Gatwick Airport and the Public Authorities due to the clear and obvious breach of my human rights (articles 2, 8,14 and Article 1 of the first protocol) and lack of appropriate consideration of the land compensation act of 1973 provided for in the projects plans, without fair and reasonable consideration of these rights.