Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Michael Lavelle

Date submitted
28 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to object to the expansion on the basis of noise pollution. I live to the east of Gatwick (Edenbridge), and I have to stay indoors 75% of the time when the approach is over my house. The noise makes going outside a misery and the noise has significant negative impact on my mental health. Also it appears that planes land all through the night at Gatwick and I am frequency disturbed in the night by the noise. The environmental impact needs to be considered. Air travel needs to be reduced for this reason. Air travel should be an expensive luxury, at least until there are cleaner and quieter planes. For the sake of the mental health of people like myself living under the flight path, please refuse any further development at Gatwick. If further airport capacity is required in the UK, planning needs to find ways to put the resource where it won't impact peoples lives so negatively or to spread the burden instead of the same communities experiencing all the trauma.