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Representation by Andrew Coker

Date submitted
28 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to object to the proposed expansion of Gatwick airport. I do not believe it has been demonstrated that the expansion is necessary given the approval of the new runway at Heathrow. This surely is the number one principle and it has not been proven. Demand has not increased and the case put forward I believe overstates the benefits of the expansion. Even then the social and environmental costs of the expansion have not been considered and without including these no decision can and should be made. I also am against this expansion due: - to the increased CO2 and air pollution effects of the expansion (construction and then the operation of the airport). The scale is huge. We have to do the right thing on getting to net zero - the level of noise due to the expansion on the local community will be huge. The noise envelope proposed is not in line with the current guidance and need to be significantly revised - the impact on the local community has not been properly resolved as the plans to cater for the increased passenger numbers are not sufficient. There is no extra provision of rail services resulting in more numbers on the existing network and the road traffic for the local area will increase significantly. As I say I am against any expansion. If expansion is approved then all steps must be taken to ensure night flights are not increased and rules need to be put in place to ensure the new, quietest planes are used for the existing night schedule.