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Representation by Gatwick Airline Consultative Committee (Gatwick Airline Consultative Committee)

Date submitted
28 October 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

The Airline Consultative Committee (ACC) exists to represent airline community views into GAL, the CAA and wider community as appropriate. It ensures that via the regulatory framework that GAL operates within that the interests of airline passengers are best served by the decisions and actions of the airport. The ACC will represent the majority view of the airline community and at this stage is not in a position to express support or otherwise for the Northern Runway DCO application but does make the following comments. Terminal/Airport Infrastructure • It is unclear how terminal infrastructure (including baggage and immigration), and systems will be appropriately expanded to reliably deliver increased aircraft movements and passenger numbers without adversely affecting the experience of passengers using Gatwick. Air Traffic Control and airspace • Ongoing ATC constraints caused by NATS shortages have led to concern that ATC capacity will be unable to deliver with suitable resilience, the increased number of aircraft movements projected by GAL. • Gatwick sits within some of the most congested and complex airspace in Europe – a programme of airspace modernization is underway, without knowing the outcome of the FASI-S programme it is impossible to assess whether any change will be sufficient to enable increased traffic without increasing holding time and fuel burn. Northern runway concept of operations • Unable to validate the claimed operational resilience benefits provided by the northern runway due to a lack of detail on how the runway will be used and how a dual/single runway airport will balance arriving and departing traffic in stable and disrupted operational environments. Airfield Ground infrastructure • Currently no compelling improvements planned to airfield flow around the terminal ramp areas. Fear that ground congestion will increase with consequent impact on fuel burn and emissions and delay with increased aircraft movements. • Taxiway infrastructure planned around thresholds appears likely to increase average taxi time and distance. Surface access and mode share • Assumptions are made regarding modal shift for passengers and staff. The ACC is concerned that insufficient parking capacity will be available to cater for increased staff and passenger traffic and that assumptions about staff travel to work mode don’t sufficiently reflect the 24-hour nature of the airport operation. Cost and Affordability • Would like to see more cost transparency and the phasing of spend. Airlines must be appropriately consulted on the costs, and they must have the opportunity to examine all the costs associated with the Northern Runway. • How does Gatwick Airport pass on the costs and what cost are customers willing to pay to ensure they have an airport that works in their benefit. The ACC welcomes the opportunity to contribute to and engage with the Northern Runway proposal.