Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Carol Ann Franks

Date submitted
28 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I completely object to the planning permission for the "second runway" at Gatwick. The number of planes already in the skies are beyond depressing and cause real anxiety to live with. Gatwick have made no effort to spread the current planes over a wider area but instead took the decision to narrow the flight path to a concentrated level without any thought for locals in the area. Gatwick have taken no consideration for the noise that the aircraft will create for the communities affected by the additional number of planned aircraft. Gatwicks expansion is just about making money and to push for unsustainable growth to line the pockets of greedy shareholders, it is a sad reflection for the lack of care of our planet that this planning has got as far as it has. There is absolutely no need for Gatwick to expand to allow for an extra 100,000 flights and other airports are growing in size and capacity so travel is widely available. Heathrow got rejected and I hope Gatwick does as well.