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Representation by Sellers Family (Sellers Family)

Date submitted
28 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

To whom it may concern , I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport, specifically the addition of new runways. As a resident living directly under the proposed flight path, I am deeply concerned about the significant and detrimental impact this expansion will have on our lives and the environment. My home is situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, a place of historical interest dating back to 1438. The relentless noise from low-flying aircraft is not only disruptive but also poses a threat to the tranquility and heritage of our surroundings. The proposed expansion would exacerbate this issue, turning our peaceful haven into a noisy, stressful environment. Moreover, the environmental implications of this expansion are alarming. The government has committed to reducing CO2 emissions under the COP agreement, yet this expansion would significantly increase Gatwick's CO2 emissions. This is a direct contradiction to the government's commitment to environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the proposed expansion raises serious questions about the fairness and transparency of the decision-making process. It is concerning to learn that the body elected to decide our fate consists of individuals who stand to financially benefit from the runway application's success. This conflict of interest undermines the integrity of the process and the trust we place in our elected officials. In the current economic climate, with millions struggling to afford basic necessities, it is hard to justify the soaring costs of airline travel tickets. The recent tax increase on jet fuel, which will inevitably be passed onto customers, makes this expansion seem even more out of touch with the realities faced by ordinary people. During the pandemic, we experienced the silence of the skies free from relentless noise levels. To increase the traffic in this beautiful area would be a form of mental torture and an act of environmental vandalism. I urge you to reconsider this expansion and to prioritise the well-being of residents and the environment over financial gain. There are alternative solutions that can balance the need for air travel with the need to preserve our environment and quality of life. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response. Yours sincerely, Rus Sellers