Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Emma More O'Ferrall

Date submitted
29 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to Gatwick Airport's proposals for the northern runway. As Gatwick does not have two runways operating concurrently at present, the proposals would effectively give Gatwick a new runway, which does not comply with policy or Government Aviation Strategy. The new runway and projected expansion of flights by an additional 101,000 flights per year to a cap of 386,000 flights would add significantly to carbon emissions just as the devastating impact of climate breakdown is being felt both in the UK and across the globe. This is definitely not the time for airport expansion, as the Committee on Climate Change have said. The additional flights would significantly worsen noise disturbance. This is already a major problem for many under the flight paths. At times there is no quiet time between aircraft as they thunder overhead and continue to be heard as they circle towards Gatwick, day and night. The natural soundscape is drowned out, including birdsong, sleep disturbed, windows tightly closed even on the hottest nights. The impact of man-made noise in a tranquil rural setting on mental health and wellbeing should be taken seriously. There should be no expansion of flights. A new runway and the 101,000 additional flights would significantly worsen air quality. My personal experience is of carbon deposits on windows, on apples and pears in the garden, oily film on standing water, and at times, aviation fuel hanging in the air. Just as the impact of dirty air on human health is being fully recognised, there should be no further decline in air quality as a result of a new runway. The proposed new runway would generate more traffic on the ground, more congestion on the roads, both on the M23 (an Unsafe Motorway) and on local roads. The proposals would mean new road building, which would mean yet more emissions and noise disturbance. The Brighton Mainline can not be expanded so the additional 32 million passengers would pile pressure on to the existing service. There would be pressure too on housing and other services in the area. For the above reasons I oppose Gatwick Airport's proposals for a new runway.