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Representation by Transport Action Network (Transport Action Network)

Date submitted
7 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We wish to strongly object to the proposals on the following grounds: - Climate change impact from all aspects of the development - Wider environmental impacts including noise and air pollution, not just in the local area, but the wider South East - Surface transport impact and failure to provide for and promote more sustainable transport modes - the targets for sustainable transport are not that challenging and not in line with the need to reduce road traffic on emissions grounds (see recent NAO report which has the following statement listed as having the highest risk and impact: "DfT does not deliver sufficient action in the transport sector to provide carbon savings, meet air quality and biodiversity targets, and adapt to climate change, as required by law". This development will make this even more likely) - Cumulative impacts not considered with wider development that will be needed to support such an application and growth at the airport, such as housing, schools, hospitals, water and sewage systems, etc.