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Representation by The Mackay Family (The Mackay Family)

Date submitted
7 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My family and numerous neighbours oppose Gatwick’s plans to make their emergency runway into a second runway. Opposing the plans to expand the emergency runway at Gatwick Airport is essential to safeguard the quality of life for residents in the surrounding areas, including Toys Hill, Ide Hill, Crockham Hill, Hever, and others. This expansion will have significant negative consequences for the environment, public health, and the tranquility of these communities. Rease we oppose the expansion include: 1. Noise Pollution: The expansion of the emergency runway is almost certain to result in increased flights, leading to elevated levels of noise pollution. This will disrupt the peaceful and serene environment enjoyed by the residents of these areas. Noise pollution can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health, sleep patterns, and overall well-being. The planes from and to Gatwick often stray from permitted flight paths and create unnecessary and irritating noise over the highest hills in Kent. 2. Air Pollution: With more flights taking off and landing, there will be an inevitable increase in air pollution. This poses serious health risks for residents, particularly children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing respiratory conditions. Poor air quality can lead to a range of health problems, including asthma, bronchitis, and cardiovascular diseases. 3. Traffic Congestion: An expanded emergency runway will likely lead to increased vehicular traffic in the surrounding areas, as more passengers and airport staff travel to and from Gatwick. This will result in more congestion on already busy roads, making commuting more difficult and time-consuming for local residents. 4. Environmental Impact: The expansion of the emergency runway will also have a detrimental impact on the local environment. It will affect the natural beauty of the region. This can disrupt local ecosystems and contribute to deforestation, affecting biodiversity and contributing to climate change. 5. Historical and Cultural Impact: These areas have historical and cultural significance, with Hever Castle being a prime example. The expansion could negatively affect the charm and cultural heritage of the region, potentially impacting tourism, which is a significant source of income for these areas. 6. Economic Impact: Contrary to the claims of expansion proponents, expanding the emergency runway may not necessarily bring about the economic benefits promised. There are often hidden costs associated with airport expansion, including infrastructure development, environmental mitigation, and addressing health-related issues. Moreover, potential tourists and residents may be deterred by the increased noise and pollution, potentially impacting the local economy. 7. Community Opposition: It's crucial to respect the voice of local public opinion. As demonstrated by the Chief Executive of Hever Castle's objections, many members of the local community are deeply concerned about this expansion. Their opposition is a reflection of the negative impact the project could have on their lives and the region as a whole. 8. Alternatives: Before expanding the emergency runway, it is essential to explore alternative solutions to address any safety concerns or capacity issues at Gatwick Airport. These alternatives could be less disruptive to the surrounding communities and the environment. In conclusion, the expansion of the emergency runway at Gatwick Airport will cause detriment to the quality of life, health, environment, and cultural heritage of the surrounding areas. It is essential to prioritise the well-being of local residents and the long-term sustainability of these communities over short-term economic gains.