Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Anne Robinson

Date submitted
8 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to expansion of all existing airports, including Gatwick. Aviation is pollution-intensive, primarily from both CO2-related and non-CO2 related emissions. Its dependence on fossil fuel has yet to show a prospect of meaningful change. The February 2023 report from the Royal Society warns there are no green alternatives to the use of traditional jet fuel that would support flying on a scale equivalent to present day use. Despite this, DfT’s ‘Jet Zero Strategy’ continues to promote aviation expansion with a guilt free flying message and explicitly rejects the Climate Change Committee’s overall framework for aviation. The Committee’s Sixth Carbon Budget Advice recommended no net expansion of UK airports to ensure aviation can achieve the required reduction pathway for UK aviation emissions. Despite this airports across the UK have increased their capacities and continue to develop capacity expansion proposals. This is incompatible with the UK’s Net Zero target unless aviation's carbon reduction follows the trajectory of the Government's carbon reduction pathway and that trajectory can accommodate any additional demand from aviation. There should be no airport expansion until a UK-wide capacity management framework is in place to annually assess and, if required, control sector CO2 emissions and non-CO2 effects. Even if alternative fuels are successful airport expansion must still be constrained as it leads to demand for new roads, sprawling development, noise, light and other pollution, and is therefore unsustainable. Within this context expansion of Gatwick airport should not be permitted.