Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Helen Fiona Champion

Date submitted
8 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My main concerns regarding the proposal by Gatwick Airport to double its capacity to 75 million passengers per year by 2038 by developing the Northern runway into a fully operational runway are: 1. Noise: A huge increase in noise for those residents who live either under the final flight path or who, like me, live in the area overflown by planes as they approach the final landing flight path. I live in Groombridge and have to endure a huge amount of aircraft noise (often every 3 minutes) as planes descend to join the final flight path. When they pass overhead they are flying at under 5000ft and there is barely a moment in the day when we do not have aircraft noise. This noise continues all through the night too and is particularly intense throughout the summer. Any expansion of Gatwick would have a hugely negative impact on all aspects of health (physical, mental and cognitive) for those overflown and I would urge you to read the growing body of research (including WHO) into the health effects of aircraft noise. Gatwick should not be allowed to create ‘motorways’ of the sky with barely any acknowledgement of the detrimental effects on those bombarded by the noise. 2. The Climate Crisis: Having declared a Climate Emergency, it would be absurd and completely irresponsible of the Government to support the expansion of Gatwick which is an expansion not driven by need but by the greed of its shareholders. As a nation we should be aiming to fly less as at present there are no ‘green’ aircraft and any expansion of Gatwick would actively work against the UK’s legally binding requirement to reach net zero emissions by 2050, and its commitment under the Paris agreement to a Nationally Determined Contribution to cut emissions by 68% by 2030, compared with 1990 levels. We cannot let the desires of the few to derail us from such an important mission. History has it’s eyes on you and I would call on you to make the right decision for the planet not just Stewart Wingate and the shareholders of Gatwick. 3. Infrastructure: The impact on road congestion around the airport would hugely increase carbon emissions and detrimentally effect air quality for those living around the airport. Pressure on the sewage systems would potentially lead to an increase of discharges into water courses, especially during increasingly common heavy rainfall events. We already know that the water quality of the River Mole is poor and that untreated sewage was discharged into the River Mole on 223 days over the last 4 years. In fact, Thames Water was fined £3.3 million this year for pumping millions of litres into rivers around Gatwick in 2017. A huge increase in passengers all using the toilets at Gatwick is not going to help resolve these problems. 4. The Expansion is unnecessary: As already highlighted, as a nation we should be aiming to fly less. Gatwick always has been a regional ‘bucket and spade’ airport and post pandemic, business travel is increasingly unnecessary as virtual meetings are now the norm. In addition, Heathrow is already expanding and it is completely unnecessary to allow a regional airport to expand. Expansion is clearly 'wanted' by Gatwick but not 'needed' as there is already enough capacity in the system and indeed, many regional airports have spare capacity that could and should be used first before any expansion is allowed at Gatwick. Thank you for considering my concerns.