Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Dan Verbeeten

Date submitted
9 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly oppose a second runway at Gatwick, the local roads are already heavily congested , the nearby river systems are floundering and frequently flood and more noise from the airport will have a detrimental affect on local residents lives. I myself have been through an exhaustive planning application that has resulted in expensive , unnecessary ventilation having to be installed as the LPA determine it won’t be safe for my health to have windows that open! So how on earth do Gatwick propose to control noise levels to prevent this on other residents who live near the airport. Local traffic is already very bad and will Only be compounded, increased capacity at the airport will result in increased vehicle movements No doubt the local environment will suffer dramatically as well with loss of green space. This is the wrong location for another runway. I would like to point out that the northern emergency runway proposal does not constitute the building of an entirely new runway, as I understand it just a widening of the existing emergency runway. I would be minded to support this if it can be demonstrated that local residents will not be impacted by more than the proposed increase in air traffic by 30%. This would be far the preferred option over a wide spaced second runway proposed to the south as has been mentioned in the past. As a local resident I want to know how the LPA are going to mitigate every household from opening its windows on a hot day only to suffer from unacceptable noise pollution. Which as I understand it would have to mean the installation of thousands of ventilation systems