Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Dr Karen Wadey

Date submitted
10 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We do not need more planes flying over but fewer. We moved to Kent for peace and solitude and more planes will ruin this. Particularly at night the sleep of thousands of people will be disrupted throughout the southeast and this will have great impact on health and functioning during the day. Sleep disturbances and noise pollution have dire consequences on mental and physical health especially if the noise is relentless during the day and night. At the moment it is fine but a second runway will mean more planes - too many. We are in an AOB and wildlife will also affected. Noise disturbance will be bad for all. We need less planes not more. Natural spaces and historic buildings are important for everyone to visit - more planes will ruin the tranquility of the south east. This new runway must NOT go ahead. We need to be flying less for ecological reasons, reducing our carbon footprint not increasing it!! Climate change needs reversing not made worse with more flights!! Expansion at Gatwick must not go ahead.