Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Bethan Peters

Date submitted
10 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Given the woeful cutbacks of environmental pledges that this government have made over the past year and rapidly accelerating effects of climate warming that are causing death and disruption in the UK and internationally, I find it a confusing and irresponsible decision to go ahead with the expansion of Gatwick Airport. The science could not be clearer (and has been clear for decades) that we need a rapid shift away from fossil fuels and to lower emissions on a global scale. This government’s apparent ignorance and lack of action to this fact is utterly terrifying and needs to be rapidly changed in order to work to a liveable future not only for future generations but for current generations. An expansion of Gatwick airport would undeniably increase emissions and pollution levels in and beyond its locale. Financial gain of expansion cannot trump the health, wellbeing and ultimately the survival of people, animals and biodiversity.