Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Allan Matthews

Date submitted
10 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed extension of the runway at Gatwick Airport. As a resident and frequent traveler in the surrounding area, I am deeply concerned about the potential negative impacts that such an expansion may have on the community, the environment, and the overall quality of life for those living nearby. My objections are based on the following concerns: Noise Pollution: The extension of the runway is likely to result in increased air traffic, leading to higher levels of noise pollution in the vicinity. This has the potential to disrupt the peaceful environment for residents and could adversely affect their well-being. Environmental Impact: The expansion may have detrimental effects on the local environment, including air and water quality. I am concerned about the potential harm to wildlife habitats, increased carbon emissions, and the overall ecological balance in the area. Traffic Congestion: The runway extension may lead to an influx of travelers and increased vehicular traffic, causing congestion on local roads and highways. This could have implications for the daily commute of residents and exacerbate existing traffic issues. Community Disruption: The construction and operation of an extended runway could lead to disruptions in the local community. This may include changes in property values, potential displacement of residents, and alterations to the overall character of the area. I understand the importance of economic development and progress, but it is crucial that any expansion plans are carefully weighed against the potential negative consequences for the community and the environment. I request that Gatwick Airport Limited thoroughly considers the concerns raised by residents and implements measures to mitigate the anticipated adverse effects. Additionally, I urge you to engage in transparent communication with the community, providing regular updates and opportunities for public input throughout the decision-making process.