Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Stephen Allum

Date submitted
11 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am opposed to the use of this existing Emergency Runway for full time use. It is a scandal to get permission for a second runway by the back door. The Workd is concerned with pollution and climate change. Our Government has commited to reducing our emisions and pollution by 2030/2035 but Gatwick Airport isn't concerned by any of this. The promise of a few more trees being planted hardly counteracts the extra flights anticipated and road travel associated with this. Gatwick is relying on everyone else cutting down. On everyone else using electric vehicles. The intrusion on local people will be enormous. More noise, more traffic, more congestion, more concrete, more tarmac, and more pollution. Yes many of us locals bought properties in the area knowing we were living close to Gatwick, but we didn't expect it to increase in size and volume to the extent we have witnessed of late. There have been a few statements of advantage delivered to us.....14,000 new jobs? Low paid jobs no doubt. Jobs that will not afford the mortgages/rents in this area. More trees to be planted?... we'd need at least a forest. Better roads.?...just to get in and out of the airport, but not all the local roads feeding into the airport which are in acterrible condition. I think the use of the existing Emergency Runway will have a detrimental and devestating effect. And it will only be to create profits for the Foreign Investors.