Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Michael Champion

Date submitted
12 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My main concerns regarding the plans to increase annual flights by more than a third (100,000 flights increase) at Gatwick: -CO2 emissions- massive increase in emissions from the flights, airport and traffic ignoring the increasingly obvious climate crisis and in direct contradiction to the Governments own target to reduce emissions by 68% compared to 1990 levels by 2030, a mere 7 years away. One assumes that those proposing this expansion do not believe that they will be around to experience the catastrophic impacts of global warming, however, there are many around the world who have already suffered its effects and we cannot ignore the impacts of decisions made today for our children and future generations. -Negative health impacts- , physical, mental and cognitive for those overflown from increased noise pollution failing to acknowledge the body of research (including WHO) of its detrimental effects to those exposed. Those negatively impacted extend way beyond the commercially convenient noise contours published by the airport, but totally unrepresentative of those affected, and has been an increasing nuisance following concentration of the approach lanes before joining the final flight path. -Night flights- Gatwick already operates significantly more night flights than most UK airports. The proposed number of flights would match Heathrow whose neighbours have respite between 23:30 and 06:00. Why are the local communities overflown not offered the same protection? -Infrastructure- Increased congestion on the local roads around the airport and pressure on the mainline rail services. -Sewage- Significant discharges into the local water courses have already occurred around Gatwick with more stress on the system, especially during increasingly common heavy rainfall events due to the rise in global temperature. The increase in waste will only raise the likelihood on further discharges poisoning the river Mole. -Rationale- - Why is further expansion needed at a time when we need to fly less to decrease carbon emissions? Heathrow is already expanding the UK's capacity. Why is this additional expansion needed, especially in the South; Heathrow is only approximately 40 miles from Gatwick? Post pandemic, more work is based at home or in the local office with reduced travel in response to increased virtual meetings on line (regional, national and international).