Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Peter Barclay

Date submitted
12 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Economy, Employment and Need Figures presented by the applicant fail to support the proposals. Particularly so estimated passenger benefit, business travel, lack of evaluation of tourism deficit, carbon appraisal values, non carbon emissions financial longer term impacts on local communities ranging from road and surface trasnport costs to air pollution consequences. Employment benefits are grossly overstated and in reality Gatwick’s employment benefit to local communities is an ever decreasing value. Climate change The governments own Climate Change Committee Progress review recommendation that there should be no airport expansion without capacity management in place should suffice to call a halt to this project. The applicant has not adequately assessed the increased carbon emissions. The lack of evidence that assumptions made in Jet Zero are realistic cannot be ignored. Noise The failure of the applicant to engage fully and honestly with local communities and local authorities in the creation of the proposed Noise Envelope must be considered and the consultation process be re-run. The applicant further has failed to address the question of Night Noise as is required by the Airports National Policy Statement (DfT, 2018) Flooding and Water supply Impact of the proposal on the River Mole is grossly under researched. Proper assessment of demand on local sewage treatment plants is required and associated costs. Water supply for the significant increase in passenger numbers through the terminals must be researched and potential costs on the water suppliers be quantified. Air Quality There is significant concern that ultra fine particle monitoring and therefore future modelling has been ignored. What figures that were available in 2018 indicate there are serious risks that have not been assessed by the applicant. Transport There are a number of failures in the modelling used for local road impacts, mainline train capacity, impact of off airport parking and local public transport demand. Construction There are significant omissions in the Construction Management Plan and applicants statement that there are ''No significant effects are likely to occur with respect to traffic and transport during construction and operation of the Project’’ is a complete nonsense. Conclusion This proposal will have serious negative effects on the environment and the quality of life for local communities. The supposed economic benefits are not supported and any economic value is only to the shareholders.