Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Mark Hiller

Date submitted
13 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Within Edenbridge there are extensive plans to increase the number of houses in the Local plan. At present the landing flight path frequenty strays close to Edenbridge creatring a noise nuisance. Adding in a second runway will reduce the options for joining the final approach route. Increasing the number of people in Edenbridge means it needs protection from being the point at with the aircraft join final approach. So we wish you to consider that due to the extension of the size of Edenbridge there needs to be a wider no fly area around the town. This should be expanded both to the west and the south of Edenbridge. Aircraft should be required to give the town a wide berth and maintain altitude especially as it is not necessary to come close. In addition they should refrain from putting flaps out and wheels down so close to a town. At present aircraft frequently stray unnecessarily close to Edenbridge and sometimes very low. This happens noticably at peak times. Whilst supporting this expansion it needs to be sympathetic and recognise the needs of more and more Edenbridge residents for a peaceful life. Currently at peak times the respect of residents is tested by aircraft coming repeatedly very close. A sympathetic development would be to establish a formal no fly area extending a mile from the outskirts of Edenbridge and a higher floor. A framework and a method of enforcement needs to be established.