Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Thomas Terrell Greenway

Date submitted
13 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to Gatwick Airport’s proposed scheme to develop the existing emergency runway into a fully operational second runway with associated changes and extensions to the current flight conditions, and to the concomitent infrastructure works. My reasons are: 1. Aircraft Noise - There will be a significant increase to the aircraft noise inflicted upon the population both under the take-off flight paths, and persons residing down stream due to the take-off roar. Noise is proven medically to be detrimental to health including: sleep patterns, mental concentration, education of children, and quality of life. 2. Climate Change - The proposal will not assist Government to achieve its targets for greenhouse gas reductions by 2050. In addition to the ongoing greenhouse gas emission emitted by the additional aircraft flights there are the gas emissions by vehicle transportation of freight, passengers and employees to and from the airport. The construction works also have very significant gas emissions from the machinery and manufacture of the building materials. Greenhouse gas reduction is important to the UK and for all Nations of the World. This proposed project, if approved, would be a further ‘watering down’ of the UK’s greenhouse gas commitments - planting sapling trees now would not affect the 2050 target outcome or for many years thereafter. 3. Traffic - Vehicular traffic in the south-east has increased significantly since 2000. Many people consider the current traffic situation is intolerable with drivers having to use lanes and side streets as ‘rat runs, to get to work. The addition of 19,000 jobs at Gatwick together with the increased air-passenger road traffic will make the situation worse, there are already traffic jams in the villages and towns surrounding Gatwick and the motorways are overcrowded. 4. Levelling up -The UK is in dire need of addressing the geographic inequality that exists in the UK. This project will not advance the Government’s objective to level up across the UK regions and provide better work opportunities for disadvantaged populations in the North. Air transport services in the south-east are already well provided for by Heathrow and the current single fully operational runway at Gatwick. An extension to Gatwick would further tip the North/South divide, potentially encouraging population and industry movement and contributing to over heating of the housing market in the south-east.