Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Steve Sanham

Date submitted
14 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  • The description of the proposed development is (deliberately?) misleading - it states that the proposals are to reopen the ‘existing’ northern runway and then goes on to describe the construction of an entirely new runway located further to the north of an existing emergency runway. - These proposals completely cut across the UK’s net zero commitments - how can increasing air traffic lead to a reduction in carbon emissions in the UK? The proposals would be illegal. - The proposals include for various lip service sustainability measures, while increasing the parking provision at the airport significantly - contradictory, and the impact of one is not mitigated by the other measures. - The noise impact and impact on air quality from the increased use of the airport will be unbearable. What mitigation is being offered for noise, and will the airport be paying the medical bills for our children when they get sick? - Lots of the negative impacts appear to be acknowledged - but are simply swept away by broad brush statements about the ‘positive economic impact’ that the airport expansion will bring. The numbers attached to this impact are all based on so many assumptions as to be rendered worthless, and in any case short term economic impact for a few people cannot in anyway offset the extreme environmental and health impacts that these proposals will cause if realised. - Regardless of any of the above concerns, which I know will all be ignored (even if they are repeated by numerous other residents), there appears to be the assumption that impacts can be imposed on people in the area around the airport without any attempt at mitigating them. If somehow villages like Smallfield could ‘benefit’ from being near to the airport then residents might be a bit more tolerant - Despite its proximity though the cycle route to the airport is down a muddy path, with no cycle infrastructure at the airport to greet you (sustainable travel planning??), the bus route takes a tortuous route to get to the airport, and there is no direct road linkage (why can’t we get a junction on to the M23?) - this all means we get the noise and the pollution, but no access to the station, the shops, the ‘economic benefit’ that we hear so much of. How do you expect us to feel?