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Representation by Christopher Saunders

Date submitted
15 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to vehemently object to the reconsideration of the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport, highlighting concerns related to environmental impact, insufficient infrastructure, a lack of proven long-term benefits, inadequate long-term safeguards, the unfair burden imposed on local residents, and the potential adverse effects of further airport expansion through the automation of ground services. Environmental Impact: The potential environmental consequences of expanding Gatwick Airport have been a persistent cause for concern. Increased air traffic could lead to higher carbon emissions, contributing to air pollution and climate change. Furthermore, the expansion may result in habitat destruction and disturbance to local wildlife, impacting the delicate ecological balance in the surrounding areas. Insufficient Infrastructure: The documented strain on Gatwick Airport's existing infrastructure is concerning. Expanding without addressing these issues could lead to operational inefficiencies and passenger inconvenience. The lack of proper infrastructure planning within the airport and the local area may result in increased traffic congestion, noise pollution, and strain on public services. Unproven Long-Term Benefits: The lack of conclusive evidence demonstrating the long-term benefits of the proposed expansion raises doubts about the justification for such a significant investment. While short-term gains may be apparent, a comprehensive and proven plan for sustained economic, social, and environmental advantages is essential. Inadequate Long-Term Safeguards: The absence of robust long-term safeguards is disconcerting. A comprehensive plan addressing potential negative impacts on the environment, local communities, and infrastructure must be in place to mitigate any adverse consequences. The current proposal lacks clarity and assurance regarding measures that will safeguard the interests of both the environment and local residents in the years to come. Unfair Burden on Local Residents: It is essential to recognize the undue burden placed on local residents by revisiting this expansion proposal. The community has already undergone the process of evaluation and rejection in the past, and to subject them to the same process again puts unnecessary pressure on their lives, disrupts community cohesion, and fosters an environment of uncertainty. Automation Concerns: The additional concern of further airport expansion through the automation of ground services raises questions about the impact on local employment. The introduction of automation may lead to job losses for workers in the existing ground services, potentially causing economic hardship for individuals and families in the local community. In light of these multifaceted concerns and the past rejection, I urge you to reconsider the expansion plans for Gatwick Airport. Engaging in a transparent and inclusive dialogue with the local community is imperative. A comprehensive environmental impact assessment, coupled with a detailed plan for infrastructure development, long-term benefits, and addressing the potential ramifications of automation, is essential to ensure the sustainable growth of the airport while mitigating adverse effects on the environment and local residents.