Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Gillian Penny

Date submitted
16 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Significant increase in aircraft noise, living close to the airport, currently we are unable to sit in our kitchen for meals and hear the television over the noise of aircraft taking off, even when doors and windows are shut you can still hear the aircraft taking off, this will be made significantly worse if the proposal goes ahead, we would be unable to have full use of our gardens, unable to have doors and windows open, aircraft will not be getting any quieter. Night flights/ground noise, we are often woken by the ground noise at night and night flights, there was no mention of the reduction of night flights or sound barriers to reduce the ground noise of aircraft movements on the ground in this proposal. Carbon Emissions, increase in co2 emissions, need to consider how to be more emission friendly, more aircraft movements will not help co2 levels. Surely if this proposal goes ahead there will be need to have a 3rd terminal to cope with the increase in foot traffic, both south and north terminals are already at full capacity but no mention of a 3rd terminal in this proposal. Gatwick Airport should remain as it is until it can get to grip with its co2 emissions and noise levels. The noise from both aircraft on the ground, taking off and landing, structure of the infrastructure and additional pressure on services such as water supply, water drainage, electricity supply etc.