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Representation by Surrey Wildlife Trust (Surrey Wildlife Trust)

Date submitted
16 November 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Dear Sir/Madam, Re. Northern Runway Project - Application Reference: TR020005. Thank you for this opportunity to make representations on the above notice. This representation is compiled in view of Surrey Wildlife Trust’s position on the ecological issues involved, climate change, and our over-arching mission to recover nature/biodiversity. Surrey Wildlife Trust (‘the Trust’) is the only local organisation dedicated to ensuring Surrey is a place where both abundant wildlife and people can live and thrive together. Guided by a collaborative vision where we all play a part in connecting nature, we provide expert advice and guidance to landowners and managers, making sure the land we look after leads by example, while inspiring and educating people and organisations across the county on what they can do. By doing this we will create a Surrey that is full of diverse and abundant wildlife, where nature is at the heart of individual choices, corporate decisions, and local economic and policy making. One that helps tackle the ongoing climate emergency, while supporting the health and wellbeing of all who live here. As a local charity founded 60 years ago on the passion and drive of volunteers, we channel this energy today, alongside our technical expertise, to bring together the diverse skills needed across the county. As we are one of 46 wildlife trusts that form The Wildlife Trusts, we have both a local and national perspective on the issues affecting wildlife and people. On the basis of the available information, we OBJECT in principle to this DCO application. It is our understanding that “The Project proposes alterations to the existing northern runway at London Gatwick Airport (Gatwick) which, along with lifting the current restrictions on its use, would enable dual runway operations. Together with the alterations to the northern runway, the Project would include the development of a range of infrastructure and facilities to allow increased airport passenger numbers and aircraft operations.” The Trust has issued its corporate policy position statement on matters relating to Climate Change. This may be viewed online at; 01/SWT Climate Change Position_1.pdf. Under ‘Sustainable Transport’ on page 2 of the statement, we clearly state that “..The Trust has and will continue to oppose local airport expansion that serves to facilitate growth in the volume of air travel”. Our justification for this then follows, but to summarise; we do not believe that any aviation industry growth model based on a net increase in air travel is reconcilable with our committed national climate change mitigation targets (i.e. for achieving carbon neutrality), under present technological limitations. We hope that this position of ‘objection in principle’ can be noted. We anticipate making further representations as the DCO application progresses.