Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Adrian Morris

Date submitted
17 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project The Climate Change Committee (CCC), are clear that further airport expansion is currently incompatible with the UK’s Net Zero targets Among their key messages are: “The Jet Zero Strategy approach is high risk due to its reliance on nascent technology – especially rapid SAF uptake and aircraft efficiency savings.” [1] “The process to implement the Government’s ambitious SAF mandate is delayed and dependent on an uncertain domestic and global feedstock supply.” [1] “The Committee’s Sixth Carbon Budget Advice recommended no net expansion of UK airports to ensure aviation can achieve the required pathway for UK aviation emissions.” “No airport expansions should proceed until a UK-wide capacity management framework is in place to annually assess and, if required, control sector CO2 emissions and non-CO2 effects.” [1] Expansion of Gatwick’s capacity, with or without use of the northern runway, is incompatible with achieving the UK’s legal net zero carbon targets. Even without an additional runway Gatwick (as well as other UK airports), counter to the CCC’s guidance, are planning to expand their capacity. Referring to paragraph 6.3.3 of the Environment Statement, Non-Technical Summary, the number of people working at Gatwick in 2022 was estimated to be 20,450, of which 2,192 were directly employed by Gatwick Airport Limited. The number of people working at Gatwick is forecast to increase to around 30,000 by 2038 without the Project, and around 32,800 with the additional runway Project. The 9% additional jobs do not in my opinion justify all the associated environmental impact of the increased capacity. [1] Progress in reducing UK emissions - 2023 Report to Parliament, Climate Change Committee, 2023, Chapter 10: Aviation, Page 267