Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Clive Bordoli

Date submitted
17 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear PINS I am objecting to the Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway. Name: Clive bordoli Address: [Redacted] Phone: [Redacted] Gatwick does not currently have two runways which means that the policy has been misrepresented by the applicant. Application for a new runway does not comply with the Government’s Aviation Strategy. I object that the applicant is not being truthful so their application should be dismissed. I object because there will be substantial increase in aircraft noise. There is evidence that there would be an additional 101,000 flights a year to the cap of 386,000. Aircraft currently fly from 6am to midnight 7 days a week, with many flights outside of these hours. This will only increase with a second runway. There is nowhere in the locality to house the additional workers, they will be forced to commute, causing further traffic congestion and pollution. The local road infrastructure could not sustain the increase in freight, passengers and workers. The Brighton Main Train Line runs through Gatwick. This cannot be expanded, how will it cope with an additional 32,000,000 passengers? An extra runway would be very harmful to the environment – extra planes and traffic would add to current noise pollution and air pollution contributing to climate change. I object and urge you to dismiss this application. Your sincerely Clive Bordoli