Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Philip Rashidi

Date submitted
18 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to formally object to the proposed planning permission for the expansion of Gatwick Airport, specifically the construction of a second runway. As a concerned resident in the vicinity of the airport, I would like to express my strong opposition to this development due to the following reasons: 1. Environmental Impact: The expansion of Gatwick Airport with an additional runway would have severe environmental consequences. The increased air traffic would lead to higher levels of noise pollution, air pollution, and carbon emissions, which would have detrimental effects on the health and well-being of local residents. Moreover, the destruction of wildlife habitats and disruption of ecosystems caused by the expansion would be irreversible and threaten the local biodiversity. 2. Traffic Congestion: Gatwick Airport is already heavily congested, and the introduction of a second runway would exacerbate this problem. The increased number of flights and passengers would put additional strain on the already congested road and rail networks surrounding the airport, leading to increased traffic congestion and longer commuting times for local residents. Furthermore, the necessary infrastructure improvements to accommodate the expansion would require significant construction, causing further disruption to the local transport system. 3. Impact on Local Communities: The expansion of Gatwick Airport would have a detrimental impact on the quality of life for residents in the surrounding communities. The noise pollution generated by the increased air traffic would disrupt the tranquility of residential areas, making it difficult for residents to enjoy their homes and gardens. Additionally, the visual impact of an enlarged airport would negatively affect the aesthetics and character of the local area, diminishing the appeal of the region for residents and visitors alike. 4. Climate Change Considerations: The expansion of airports contradicts the global efforts to combat climate change. The aviation industry is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and the expansion of Gatwick Airport would only contribute to this problem. Instead, the focus should be on encouraging sustainable alternatives to air travel and investing in greener transportation options. Considering the aforementioned concerns, I request that the planning permission for the expansion of Gatwick Airport, including the construction of a second runway, be denied. It is crucial for the planning authority to prioritize the well-being and interests of local communities, the environment, and the fight against climate change. I kindly request that you consider the objections raised in this letter and take them into account during the decision-making process. I also request the opportunity to present these concerns in person at any public hearings or meetings related to this planning application. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will carefully consider the objections raised and make a decision that reflects the best interests of the community and the environment.