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Representation by Horsham Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council (Horsham Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council)

Date submitted
18 November 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Horsham Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council (HTNC) is very concerned that the expansion of the Airport will negatively impact the Trafalgar Neighbourhood and HTNCs position is to oppose additional runway capacity. HTNCs concerns are: 1. The expansion will be damaging to the environment, including: a) impacts on noise (the proposal will impact the residents of Trafalgar Neighbourhood due to an increase in exposure to aircraft noise during the day and night) and therefore increased stress levels b) increased air particulate pollution from planes and traffic with its health implications for residents c) impacts that reduce biodiversity as the pollution affects wildlife (eg the rare stag beetles whose spiracles are blocked) 2. The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Assessment fails to consider all risks and has been reported (by Horsham District Council to HTNC) to include fundamental errors which could increase total emissions by 20% (ie millions of tonnes of CO2e are not accounted for). This needs to be correctly reported. It is assumed that this will impact the climate change resilience assessment for the expansion of the Airport. 3. HTNC does not believe the existing infrastructure, particularly road and rail, is adequate for the increased numbers that will use the Airport. Areas surrounding the Trafalgar Neighbourhood already suffer from road congestion.